
Monday sucks donkey balls

You know you love this song, don't lie.

Also, how about those fucking RAVENS baby?!?!? I shed a tear of joy at that final score. Some guy in a Steelers jersey threw something at me when I was out to lunch with my dad. Before I could even react, my dad was in dude's face. I have never seen him move that quickly and that aggressively before. Fear not, no punches were thrown.

Dear Steelers fans,

Happy Monday!

P.S. Shane, I still heart you!


  1. Aooww, I see you Max's dad! lol

    You always posts those songs that I dance around half naked in my apartment to. get outta my head.

  2. Hahahaha! Well I unknowingly replied to this entry with my comment on another, so I won't bother repeating myself. But hey, I did tell you Steelers fans can be douchebags sometimes. I laughed out loud when I saw your last sentence. No hard feelings.

